>>> Click here for the RMC FAQ'N RULES <<<


Twice a month, a group of movie masochists watch a film that has been randomly selected from a library of over 3000 titles.  No one knows what movie will be screened until it lights up on the TV.

Random Movie Club! Now in its 16th year!

RANDOM MOVIE CLUB meets twice a month: between the 1st and 7th and again between the 15th and 21st of every month. The evenings are randomly selected and invites are sent 4-5 days beforehand.

Arrive at 7:00pm. At 7:20, the pizza place is chosen at random from a pool of approximately 30 places that deliver. When all menus are exhausted, they are recycled back into the pool. The person who has attended Random Movie Club the least amount of times gets to click the Random Pizza Generator, which chooses the pizza place.

Also at 7:20, the random movie is selected, but kept secret.

Random Movie Club always features a pre-selected Preshow Entertainment. This is screened while we wait for the pizza to arrive.

There is a $5 "Convenience Fee" to help defray the cost of pizza and soda.

RMC Member Rules:
(Unfortunately, RMC is not taking new members at this time.)

1- You can only know when the club meets by being a Member.

2- THE STEVE HARRIS RULE- Leaving before the movie is over is very wrong. If you do, no one will say goodbye to you.

3- THE MARY POPPINS RULE- RMC attendees will be informed if the Random Movie's running time is over 2:20.  At this time, RMCers are permitted to pass on the movie, and another movie will be selected at random.  Should this occur, the vetoed movie's title will be revealed and screened at a future RMC meeting, even though it will no longer be selected at random.

4- THE MR. JIFFY RULE- If the pizza is really bad, expensive, or slow in delivery (or any combo thereof), it may be removed from the pool forever.

RMC is a non-profit organization. But not by choice.

"Pizza, a movie, and a roomful of dorks. You'll fit right in."

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Old RMC Men

RMC is not affiliated with Rochester Midland Corporation, makers of fine restroom disinfecting fluids and urinal mats since 1888.


Powered by Pizza, Red Vines,
& 6 Different Kinds of Soda



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