Your June 2006 RMC II Results Are In!
Tagline: The World's Sexiest Writer Had One Inspiration...
The Preshow Entertainment was The Three Stooges. I mean, does it get any better than that? The answer, is "no." And if you don't believe me, read on.
We began with not just any Stooges short. THREE LITTLE PIRATES is one of my favorites. Stooges' plots, like any porn, matter not, as every movie contains a lot of slapping, screaming, and occasional hair pulling. That said, PIRATES is a crowd pleaser, mainly for Curly's turn as a faux Maharajah. Trying to explain the majesty of this routine is useless. Suffice it to say that besides the Maha hunk, you get lots of heavy tools on skulls and plaster in hair. Ooops, maybe that's porn again.
We also watched 3 DUMB CLUCKS. In this one, Curly's father is set to marry a black widow whose gangster friends plan on offing him as soon as the wedding vows are over, or before. Hey, if you want plot, watch SYRIANA. Okay, maybe not.
The pizza arrived (onions and Canadian bacon) and we dug in. Time to watch the movie. Now, remember just a minute ago I alluded to things not getting any better? Well, I'm here to tell you that, as much as I love a packed room, you picked a great day to stay away from RMC. For we watched a movie called NORA.
Ewan McGregor plays James Joyce in NORA (or as Dawn called it,"Bore-a," and later "Snore-a"), a classic example of pretension at its very best. Excruciatingly dull, long and self-important, it succeeds on every level of mediocrity known to mankind.
Now, I like Ewan M. I've seen a lot of Ewan M (he does like to show his bum and occasionally Little McG). But now I've seen too much of Ewan M. This movie put such a bad taste in my mouth that it made the Stooges feel like a science lecture at 8am on a hot Saturday morning.
Poking around the internet I found many people who like this film. If you listen to them and watch it, well, you get what you deserve- two people who hate each other, hate themselves, hate the world, and hate you.
Yeah yeah, Joyce was inspired by Nora. Yeah yeah, they fought 24/7. Yeah yeah, he drank. Yeah yeah they hated each other and loved each other and he can only write when he was with her. But with all the yeah yeahs the filmmakers made a no no. They forgot one small thing- Here we are now, entertain us.
I can't even go on...
Tags: random movie club, nora, three stooges