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In lieu of a regular write-up, I thought we'd just summarize the "plot" to this movie.

Please note: Not all plot details are accurate, as parts of the story were unclear.

There is a batch of gold that was sunk off of an island during World War II. A Japanese man, on his deathbed, supplies the secret location to his two sons, who are in turn double crossed by a bad guy (who turns out to be a CIA agent at the end). Meanwhile, two drug enforcement agents (hot blondes who manage to "get out of these wet clothes" while piloting their plane...naturally, they both do this at the same time, so they can put the plane on autopilot), while flying through a hurricane, become stranded on the island while transporting medicines. However, they are not alone. One of three original Japanese WWII soldiers on the island is still alive (the other two killed themselves out of shame...for they acted young, and killed three American soldiers who washed up on the beach). This silent guy ends up helping the two model-slash-agents from the two brothers, the CIA guy, another government guy who I think is more covert, but I'm not sure. One of the drug enforcement babes gets to keep some of the bars of gold because when they blew up the bad guys boat, the gold fell in the water, which apparently means it's anyone's property.

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